Wednesday, August 26, 2009


This is what I found when I went in to wake the girls up from their rest. Bailey had snuck up into sissies bed to do a little snuggling. Made me smile.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Wannado City

Where kids can do what they wannado. Fun field trip!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


We had our friend Katherine with us today, and I took the three muskateers to the elementary school to play on their new boundless playground. Katherine insisted that we go over and see her kindergarten class, we obliged, and when we walked in the door it happened........... I had this overwhelming feeling of nostalgia, all the little desks, the cubby holes, the book corner, the fish tank quite honestly the whole classroom was more than I could handle. I think my emotions were caused by memory of my own youth, then memory of my own experiences teaching Kindergarten, and last that my littles will not be part of that scenario, it made me sad. God knows that I wrestle him about homeschooling, you see he planted it in my heart and assured me that he has a plan for the girls, I just wish that I did not constantly question "Am I doing the Right Thing?"

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Praise Him

Praise him in the morning,
Praise him in the evening,
Praise him when I'm young and when I'm old.
Praise him when I'm laughing,
Praise him when I'm grieving,
Praise him every season of the soul.
If we could see how much you're worth,
Your power, Your might, Your endless love,
Then surely we would never cease to praise you.

Everything that, everything that
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
And everything that, everything that
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

(photo by Awe3423 Photobucket)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Moment

Today I captured a "RARE" moment, it was two littles working together without any bickering, and actually completing a puzzle as a team. Trying to celebrate the small moments.

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Entertainer

This man will go to great lengths to entertain his children, they are so lucky to have a father with a great sense of humor.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Rylee: Mom Sparkle Works has a drinking problem.

Me: Spitting coffee in the sink, regaining composure... Does she have difficulty getting water from her bowl?

Rylee: No Mom she drinks too much.

Me: Trying to be serious.... What should I do?

Rylee: Just make sure that you constantly check her water bowl to keep her hydrated.

Me: Ok easy fix. (Thank goodness that a 12 step program was not mentioned)


Monday, August 3, 2009

Fun with a Box

Per the girl's request, Patrick brought them home boxes. They decorated them and he lovingly cut out the windows and doors, gotta love a Daddy that does this with his pocket knife.