Wednesday, August 25, 2010


One of the greatest joys I have experienced while raising our girls has been hearing and seeing their imaginations soar. They play for hours pretending with all of their cats, dogs, farm animals, ponies etc.. I love to listen to the scenarios and how they solve so many problems through talking and pretend. Tonight Bailes came up to me and had a cat figure in her hands and told me that Momma cat missed Father cat and that every night she goes into her bedroom and "gazes" at his picture on the wall and "wepts bitterly", because she wants him to find a new job so that she can see him more. Sounds like a romance novel in the making huh?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Random Beauty

This photo is a favorite in that it captures such happiness and joy and I wish that I could just stop the clock and hold onto this moment just a while longer. True beauty to me......

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Beloved

Today 17 years ago I married my best friend. Today as my love prepared a scrumptious dinner for me (and the girls), I just bathed in the love!! Patrick and I are true home bodies, we have traveled and we have done some crazy things, but our hearts always beat better at home. At one time today as I was in the laundry room folding clothing and Patrick was broiling steaks and the girls were off in pretendville, I looked out of the laundry room window and saw a sweet bunny feeding and I thought to my self what a wonderful life!!! Happy Anniversary My Sweet Patrick, I love you. Cheers!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Whole Foods

Today we went on a field trip to a FANTASTIC grocery store in our area and all I can say is Wow!! We literally sampled our way through the store and learned a few things as well. Fun day!!

Friday, August 13, 2010


Today would have been my mother's 64th birthday. If I live to be 100 the day of her birth and the day of her death will always be remembered. On this day my heart aches but there is no salve, my mind questions but there are no answers, all I have are the memories of a woman who was a passionate wife, fiercely devoted mother and a good sister and friend. Today I will light a candle for you momma and I will remember.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I took the girls to the "Free Day" at the zoo, we are so blessed to have such a fantastic botanical garden/zoo right in our town. Rylee won a family season pass so I do see a lot more zoo visits in our future.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

More Kittens

I tell you sometimes I think that we have some kind of wayward, lost, homeless pet vortex on our property. Yesterday 1 baby kitten showed up and of the amount of love gushing out of the girls and Patrick was adorable then low and behold 2 more babies showed up. I am the strong hold of the family (aka the fun sucker), because I just see huge dollar signs, so needless to say we did not keep the kitties, we feel sure that they will have no problems getting adopted, they did get tons of love while they passed through the vortex. We shall see what shows up next......... a cow would be nice.