Monday, May 28, 2012


When I watch my daughters, I truly miss not having a sister. They have such a deep understanding of each other and really are BEST friends. Today they transformed the bathroom into a spa complete with facials, pedicures, and makeup. I love that they willingly serve each other. Fun day.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Patrick proudly walked in the door with 2 packages of Hostess Twinkies (which I have never purchased in my life), and announced that he heard a rumor that Hostess was considering closing their doors FOREVER!! He just could not imagine our girls never experiencing the joy of a twinkie and was not going to rest until they did. Well they ate and loved every minute of this nostalgia!! We joked about buying a couple of cases, because supposedly they last forever!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Memory Master

She did it!!! Rylee passed her Memory Masters test with flying colors. Patrick and I are so very proud her hard work and dedication. Way to go Rylee.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Guinea Pigs

The girls got guinea pigs for Christmas and I have a little secret....... I really like them. I would have never thought that I would even think that they were cute but I do. These little piggies are extremely loved and spoiled. They get 2 servings a day of fresh fruits and veggies and tons of love. Yesterday, after reading about the mythical minotaur the girls built labrinths for the piggies and Bailey came to me and said "Mom you have to see the DUSTYTAUR".

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Shining Stars

The girls have finished their course work in their co-ops, whew I'm tired. Along with Classical Conversations, the girls attend a weekly co-op where they studied US geography and the human body. So thankful for the great moms who taught the lessons and willingly dissected the eyeball, heart, stomach and intestines. Looking forward to next year American Sign Language and Land Animals.


Mothers Day is not the same without you here To hug my neck and lend your ear. Your passing left a hole inside my heart, So many Mothers Days we’ve been apart. The only gratification I get on Mother’s Day, Is knowing I am like you in every way. Mothers Day will never be the same without you here, Such love and admiration in my falling tear by Will D Curl. Being a mother is the highest calling and I pray that God gives me the longevity and wisdom to fulfill His will in our lives. I miss momma so much, but am comforted by the thought that she is healthy and has seen the KING of ALL KINGS.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Tiger Tail

What does a family do when the dad has a day off and the weather is beautiful and the girls want to catch hermit crabs, we head to Tiger Tail beach of course. We first stopped for breakfast at Cracker Barrel and headed towards Marco island. Fun day together.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

County Fair

We recently attended our county fair and the weather was perfect and the rides were awesome. The girls and Patrick actually paid money to see the worlds shortest woman and the headless woman.... Won't catch me in there, I was afraid of nightmares. Love everything about the fair!!