Sunday, May 31, 2009

God's Word

This is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

Friday, May 29, 2009

10 Things (Part 2)

These are 10 things that I love about you today: 1. You are so snugly, 2. You are a little prayer warrior, 3. You are the kindest sister, 4. You are cautious, 5. You have an incredible imagination, 6. You are a great kitchen helper, 7. You sleep when you are tired, 8. You have such good behavior, 9. You love to be read to, 10. Your willingness to pick up a frog. I love you my sweet girl.

10 Things

Ten things that I love about you today: 1. You are a very hard worker, 2. You are a book worm, 3. You are a kind friend, 4. You have become an adventurous eater, 5. Your developing sense of humor, 6. Your heartfelt prayers, 7. The blond streaks in your hair, 8. Your willingness to tidy up your messes, 9. Your love of animals, 10. Your love for your family. I love you sweet girl.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I finally did it..... I cooked risotto yesterday and it was delicious! A lot of stirring and attention went into this creamy, dreamy dish. The girls gobbled it up. I will make risotto again, the combinations are endless.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Eye Candy

I have learned that I love to look at beautiful pictures of people, landscapes, and homes. I love to feel inspired, and so admire people who have "an eye" for putting things together.

Monday, May 25, 2009


That was the adjective that Rylee used to describe the taste of these home made oreos, personally I would call them sinful......

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lover's Key

Today my family experienced a real treat, we got to take a boat ride to a small key accessible only by boat. Wow what a great day filled with white sugar sand, crystal blue water, and the most magnificent shells. This is why we live in southwest Florida!!

Friday, May 22, 2009


"I love cats because I love my home and after awhile they become its visible soul." -- Jean Cocteau, French writer and film director

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


My family adores home made bread, especially the girls. I have been making these plump delicious yeast rolls that get devoured right out of the oven. Yeast rolls + butter + grape jelly= HAPPINESS!

Monday, May 18, 2009


These two got to do yard work with Daddy in the rain yesterday, and what fun was had..... snails were found, bird's nest with eggs was discovered, and mud was squished. So great to see them work as a team.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I am a stander. I am standing in prayer for my children. I won't give up, give in, or give out before they are saved, fully following the Lord, and home in Heaven.
I am a stander. I refuse to listen to my children's rebellious words or the discouragement of those around me. I will speak the truth in love, discipline in firmness, and pray in faith.
I am a stander. I will not lower God's standards but trust His Word. I will not violate His covenant, approve what He hates, doubt His goodness, or question His promises.
I am a stander. I won't quarrel, quit, or acquiesce to my feelings or my fears. I won't dwell on my failures but count my blessings and see all of my successes as from the hand of the Heavenly Father.
I am a stander. I have made my choice, set my face, and will finish the race as a victor. I am standing for my children, my home, my church, and my nation on the Rock and in the Word.

(Pastor Hayes Wicker)

Our Pastor wrote these affirmations and I think that they should be done daily.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Cousin

Fly, fly little wing Fly beyond imagining The softest cloud, the whitest dove Upon the wind of heaven's love Past the planets and the stars Leave this lonely world of ours Escape the sorrow and the pain And fly again Fly, fly precious one Your endless journey has begun Take your gentle happiness Far too beautiful for this Cross over to the other shore There is peace forevermore But hold this mem'ry bittersweet Until we meet Fly, fly do not fear Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear Your heart is pure, your soul is free Be on your way, don't wait for me Above the universe you'll climb On beyond the hands of time The moon will rise, the sun will set But I won't forget Fly, fly little wing Fly where only angels sing Fly away, the time is right Go now, find the light. (Celine Dion)

Rest in peace Susie, I love you.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Sometimes plans change.... I planned for the girls to make a planet book after our lesson on Mercury today, but they asked if they could color and cut the planets out and I agreed, then they gathered bunches of pillows and created a rocket ship in their bedroom and then they grabbed the tape and started taping planets all over an now they are zooming through space at warp speed with Donkey in tow. Gotta love the flexibility of homeschooling.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


My mother was a woman who had an intense passion for her children, she always made me feel loved and important. On this mother's day I want to thank my precious mother for planting the seed of motherhood in me. I have never done anything else that is so complex, challenging, and rewarding. Some days my heart aches for her touch and to hear her savory advice. Some days I feel so cheated that she has not been a part of my motherhood journey, but then I take a deep breath and dry my tears and remember that she spent her whole motherhood training me for my time, and for that I am thankful. Happy Mother's Day.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


As a mom I have learned to read the girls pretty well, and today I just sensed that my Rylee just needed a little alone mommy time. We rarely get the opportunity to do this, but today after swimming in the pool, and Bailey not wanting to unglue herself from her daddy washing his car, I asked Rylee if she wanted to make the dessert, and of course it was instant smile and a feeling of specialness. She is such a good little helper!! Everyone needs a little special time once in a while.....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I caught Bailey and her friend Tiffany in our candy/snack drawer, I think that they touched and discussed each and every piece before finally deciding on pixie sticks.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pico De Gallo

I took the girls this past weekend to our local farmer's market, and we purchased some delicious fresh fruits and veggies. Eating fresh and healthy was only part of my motivation, Pico de Gallo was the main motivation, that said I plucked the freshest tomatoes, jalapenos, onions, lime, and cilantro, and whipped up a batch of this delightful stuff!!! Pass the chips please.

Monday, May 4, 2009


I have had a rough couple of days with these two... bickering, snarkiness, whining, pushing my buttons in every possible way then I get this... Had to laugh out loud.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

God's Word

Isa 53:5.............He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


What would I do without these two men???? They are strong pillars in my life. I love them dearly!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Ponyland or Twilight Zone

Some days I really do not recognize my house, the girls call it Ponyland, I call it Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do You have now entered the Twilight Zone.