Sunday, May 17, 2009


I am a stander. I am standing in prayer for my children. I won't give up, give in, or give out before they are saved, fully following the Lord, and home in Heaven.
I am a stander. I refuse to listen to my children's rebellious words or the discouragement of those around me. I will speak the truth in love, discipline in firmness, and pray in faith.
I am a stander. I will not lower God's standards but trust His Word. I will not violate His covenant, approve what He hates, doubt His goodness, or question His promises.
I am a stander. I won't quarrel, quit, or acquiesce to my feelings or my fears. I won't dwell on my failures but count my blessings and see all of my successes as from the hand of the Heavenly Father.
I am a stander. I have made my choice, set my face, and will finish the race as a victor. I am standing for my children, my home, my church, and my nation on the Rock and in the Word.

(Pastor Hayes Wicker)

Our Pastor wrote these affirmations and I think that they should be done daily.

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