Thursday, August 20, 2009


We had our friend Katherine with us today, and I took the three muskateers to the elementary school to play on their new boundless playground. Katherine insisted that we go over and see her kindergarten class, we obliged, and when we walked in the door it happened........... I had this overwhelming feeling of nostalgia, all the little desks, the cubby holes, the book corner, the fish tank quite honestly the whole classroom was more than I could handle. I think my emotions were caused by memory of my own youth, then memory of my own experiences teaching Kindergarten, and last that my littles will not be part of that scenario, it made me sad. God knows that I wrestle him about homeschooling, you see he planted it in my heart and assured me that he has a plan for the girls, I just wish that I did not constantly question "Am I doing the Right Thing?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why would you ever question your choice to teach your girls. That is why you went to college. You may have thought at the time that it was for a career but God knew it would be bigger and more important than that. Government run schools are aweful. I wish I had the know how to teach my kids. Love you Lu...Ta