Friday, November 20, 2009

Field Trip

Today we attended a field trip at a very historic ranch in our area. The place was so beautiful and had the feel of "Old Florida". We took part in two different tours one tour took us to see 2 working oil wells and the other was a 1/2 mile hike through the woods. When we got back we got to hear a 5th generation cowman talk about ranching cattle, and when he was finished talking, he asked the crowd if there were any questions and Bailey's hand flew up and my heart skipped a beat (you just never know what is going to come out her little mouth), the cowman asked her what her question was and she asked "How can only 3 bulls marry and have babies with so many cows?" Let me just tell you the whole room fell out laughing including the cowman, he responded by saying "Good question you are going to have to ask your mom that one." Great day!!

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